”We are emerging from an age where deception was considered an art form and where the inauthentic influence of celebrities fooled millions of people around the world. Now, we are entering into a New Age, one where people no longer worship the rich and famous but where individuals like you can create ripples of transformation through authentic storytelling. Never underestimate how much influence you can have on someone else just by being honest. By being who you are with full integrity, by sharing your story, you give others permission to do the same.
Andrew MorrisseyMentor | Media | Earth Guardian
Everyone has something that they hide beneath the surface of themselves. Something they don’t want anyone else to see, something that goes unrealised and denied. According to Carl Jung, this is your shadow. Much like a physical shadow that is cast upon the ground, your shadow Self is prone to projecting feelings of inferiority in oneself and moral deficiency in others.
So, then, how does one conquer the shadow? How do you consolidate yourself with this negative piece of your soul? Should you even bother?
The shadow lurks behind the persona—the mask—that you wear every single day. It sees through your eyes, and it knows whether or not you wear your mask well. Yet, when you try to identify with a fake persona or even one that does not capture the whole essence of yourself, you overlook those parts of Self that have true undisputed value.
You must dive into the Shadows to find the Light.
Society punishes us by telling us we’re not normal or we’re not living our lives correctly. In doing so, we tend to push down those pieces of us that do not fit into society as a whole.
Those pieces sink into the oblivion of Shadow, and they fester there. Instead of learning to accept these pieces of ourselves, we commit them to an internal asylum—the dark side of our personalities—and end up with nothing but anxiety. Unless you integrate your shadow into your consciousness, you will be forever under the influence of anxiety. Of false perceptions and pressures.
The world right now is being broadly affected by the global pandemic called COVID-19. The “mask” that many are donning is not just a physical thing. It’s representative of something deeper, more complex. I believe that right now is the time to delve deep into the shadows, to see all of the superficial personas being thrust upon the world stage. Populations are waking up to the truth of the world.
Global consciousness is expanding. We’re starting to let the Shadow Self work as it should have all along, and we’re giving others the confidence to do the same. As we start integrating the shadow more and more, we begin to see our true selves—and the truth of others around us.
Jung calls this “self-realization.” It is part of Individuation or a process “by which the personal and collective unconscious is brought into consciousness to reveal one’s whole personality.” In other words: self-actualization.
The philosopher and mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh tell us that there are three dimensions of the mind: the conscious, unconscious, and superconscious. During self-actualization, we find our true Self can realise all these dimensions. However, in order to do that, we must see the truth behind our false personas and give way to authenticity. Let the masks drop.
Moving forward, you might find that dropping those false personas and masks to be painful. Self-actualization is not bliss, but it is important. You might lose friends, family, clients… but you will gain something greater: your super-self. Think of it as an epic hero journey. Embrace it, own it, and live your own epic tale.
Who’s behind the mask? Only you will know.
“Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is… Furthermore, it is constantly in contact with other interests, so that it is continually subjected to modifications. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected.” – C.G. Jung